Smart Money - July 2023

6th July 2023

Smart Money - July 2023

Welcome to our July/August 2023 edition. In this issue, a comfortable retirement is a common financial goal, and contributing to a pension is essential to achieving it. Although retirement may appear distant at the moment, there's much to consider. Let us assist you in navigating this crucial life milestone. By planning ahead and making smart decisions about your savings, you can ensure a stable and enjoyable retirement. On page 10, we consider what steps will help you get pension retirement ready.

According to new research, British workers overpay £8.2bn in tax due to wrong codes. Filing your tax return can be daunting, but there are plenty of reasons why you should get it done as soon as possible. On page 04, we provide 10 reasons to get your tax return filed now rather than panicking as the deadline approaches.

If you're under 75 and have relevant UK earnings, you can benefit from tax relief when contributing to a personal pension or workplace pension scheme. On page 12, we explain why as tax rules change and individual circumstances vary, it's always a good idea to consult us for specific guidance.

Trusting that your investments are progressing toward your objectives is vital, allowing you to concentrate on what you value most. This is why building a diversified portfolio is crucial to any successful investment strategy. The primary goal is to spread your investment portfolio across many different asset classes to mitigate the risk of each. Read the full article on page 06.

A complete list of the articles featured in this issue appears on page 02.

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