RWC Autumn 2016 News Bulletin

22nd September 2016

RWC Autumn 2016 News Bulletin

Highlights from our Autumn 2016 Newsletter

It’s been a busy and fraught summer, both before and after the EU referendum on 23 June. With a changeover in government working towards a plan for Brexit, we’ve entered a period of uncertainty for the economy. So keeping up to date with how your financial plans might be affected is even more important. In the autumn edition of our newsletter, we explore how some of these important developments may have an impact on your plans.

Our feature for this edition, unsurprisingly, is around the implications of the Brexit fallout for investors. While early falls in markets may have raised anxiety, we focus on the benefits of a diversified portfolio for playing the long game.

Our other stories include

  • About to withdraw your pension benefits? If you are going to turn your pension fund into a retirement income in the near future, the outcome of the EU referendum has complicated matters.
  • Single-tier pension blues The Department for Work and Pensions is sending out bad news to over 100,000 people who won’t be seeing their expected pensions.
  • Inheritance tax: the silent tax collector The government’s receipts from inheritance tax have been rising much faster than the yield from other taxes, so how can you mitigate your contribution to the Treasury?

We hope you find the contents of this newsletter useful and informative. As always, let us know if you wish to discuss any of the topics in this edition.

Please click here to read the full bulletin.

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