RWC Autumn 2015 News Bulletin

1st September 2015

RWC Autumn 2015 News Bulletin

It’s been a pretty big year so far for the government, what with the general election resulting in the first conservative government since 1997, and two substantial Budgets to deliver. Some changes have already come into force, but many are still to come.

We’ve covered the Chancellor’s most important announcements in this newsletter and we hope you find it useful and informative.

Our feature this edition is The Summer Budget: ringing in the changes The first Budget after an election is often the most radical – and that’s certainly the case with 2015’s post-poll offering. We highlight the Chancellor’s most important announcements and how they are likely to affect you and your financial planning.

Our other stories include:

  • Independent tax revisited a new set of changes to the tax system now and in 2016 mean it is time for couples to review their tax planning.
  • Investment in volatile times Market volatility has been at near-record levels in recent months as investors respond to the uncertainty in Europe. What is the best way to deal with this?
  • Pension futures Yet more changes to pensions were revealed in the Summer Budget in 2016/17, and a consultation was launched on the future of pension tax relief. Some of these changes are likely to affect you so it’s a good idea to review your existing pension arrangements in the coming months.

We hope you find the contents of this newsletter useful and informative and, as always, let us know if you think you may be affected by any of the topics in this edition.

* In reference to the article ‘Time for a protection review’ and the section stating “The average claim paid in 2013 was £60,400.” Also “The average claim paid in 2013 was £11,500 a year” – the source of this information is: the Association of British Insurers or ABI as published by them in May 2014. *

Please click here to see the full article.

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