RWC September/October 2020 Newsletter
1st September 2020

Welcome to our latest issue. As the world continues to work out how to live with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many will agree that the new normal needs new thinking.
The pandemic has unleashed changes that seemed unthinkable only six months ago. Along with the health, safety and well-being of family, friends and loved ones, the new normal has also highlighted the need for financial guidance and support during this turbulent period.
Saving into a pension is one of the most tax-efficient ways to save for your retirement. Not only do pensions enable you to grow your retirement savings largely free of tax, but they also provide tax relief on the contributions you make. On page 10, we look at the various pension allowances that you need to be aware of and help you understand how to make the most of them.
While the number of couples divorcing has decreased in recent years, the cohort of couples deciding to split in later life is on the rise. Splitting with a spouse in your forties, fifties or even later can bring with it many complications. What’s the reason for the boom in so-called ‘silver splitters’? Turn to page 09 to find out.
Giving up the 9-to-5 doesn’t necessarily mean stopping work. On page 03, we explain why many people are now considering staggered or flexible working. It can suit some individuals who have caring responsibilities or health issues, or those thinking about retiring in the next few years.
We are living in extraordinary times right now, in the grip of a global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Families are becoming more open about their finances, with the COVID-19 crisis highlighting the need to discuss Wills and inheritance. Read the article on page 06.
A full list of the articles featured in this issue appears on page 02.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and if you require any further help or guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us – we’re here to help and support you and your family.
Read the full Newsletter by clicking here.